Welcome to The Salon!

The Salon is a group dedicated to the study of Statistics, Algorithms, Learning, and OptimizatioN. It is led by Professor Gautam Kamath at the Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. Its members are also affiliated with the Vector Institute. Current emphases of the group include enriching our understanding of data privacy and robustness in statistics and machine learning.

The name of The Salon is in reference to the French practice from the 17th and 18th centuries, a central venue for exchange of some of the most important ideas of the era.


Recent Publications

Disguised Copyright Infringement of Latent Diffusion Models

Position: Considerations for Differentially Private Learning with Large-Scale Public Pretraining

Differentially Private Post-Processing for Fair Regression

Machine Unlearning Fails to Remove Data Poisoning Attacks

Private Mean Estimation with Person-Level Differential Privacy


Le Salonneur


Gautam Kamath

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Privacy, Robustness

Graduate Researchers


Argyris Mouzakis

PhD Computer Science Student

Machine Learning Theory, Algorithmic Statistics, Privacy, Applied Probability


Jimmy Di

MMath in Computer Science Student

Machine Unlearning, Privacy, Robustness


Matthew Regehr

Phd Computer Science Student

Machine Learning, Differential Privacy, Reinforcement Learning


Sabrina Mokhtari

MMath Computer Science Student

Privacy and Fairness in Machine Learning, Computer Vision


Sara Kodeiri

MMath Computer Science Student

Privacy, Natural Language Processing

Undergraduate Researchers


Matthew Yang

Bachelor of Computer Science

Machine Learning, Differential Privacy


Valentio Iverson

BMath in Computer Science

Machine Learning Theory, Probability & Statistics, Optimization

Affiliated Researchers


Shubhankar Mohapatra

PhD Computer Science Student

Data Privacy, Machine Learning, Federated Learning, Data Cleaning


Yiwei Lu

PhD Computer Science Student

Machine Learning, Data Poisoning, Robustness